The original version of the Lythyan species before the corruption happend.
Subtype traits
- Green eyes
- Trait
- Trait
Lythyans are a hyper-advanced civilization of science obsessed aliens who are also very perfectionists in everything they do. At some point in history, their entire species was decimated by a rogue power orb which severely messed up their biology and corrupted them into monsters. The few who remained uncorrupted worked hard to reverse the effects and to fix their biology, which led to a major scientific breakthrough, in which they discovered tons of ways to manipulate organic beings. Ever since They always strive for perfection in finding ways to improve their biology to become ultimate beings, they have become so enlightened by their advanced evolution that they have decided to share their gift with the rest of the universe by finding other species to evolve into perfection. Lythyans dont reallyhave a perfect reputation with other civilisations as despite heving great bio teshological capabilities they have become notorios for forcefully evolving species that they are personally disgusted with, this behavior hes led to them becoming disliked by many. Some find their practices of "unsolicited" and evolution and radicall views to be extreme, but Lythians argue that their ways are simply a selfless act to save species from an unfortunate biology in which they can't evolve out of.
Because of all the friction caused by their ways they have been dragged onto a magor coflict which resulted in major damage to their homeworlds. as a result lythyans have sworn to never show themselves to the rest of the universe, tyhe few remaining lyrthyans live inside a hidden utopia that no one can ever leave, whish resides underground deep within the deep rubble of their former societies.
Lythyans are a species who have a love for learning, they are extremely curious; once they are interested in something they will try to learn anything about that thing. As a result Lythyans tend to become expert in the thing they are interested in and will do anything they can to teach everyone about said thing, thishas given Lythyan the reputation of having a superioriry complex as they can come off as pretty arrogant most of the time. Lythyans cant stand when things are done incorrectly as this can send them in a kind of rage you reallyt dont want to deal with. Lythyans are great if you want a ally who is very good in an are of expertise or if you want to have someone to teach you things, but they can be sometimes difficult to work with due to their perfectionistic tendencies.
Name | Lythyans |
Type | Sapient, Alien, Magical, Humanoid |
Average height | 180~ cm |
Lifespan | A very very long time |
Diet | Omnivore |
Native planet | Unknown |
Habitat | N/A |
Subtypes | N/A |
Creation date | 2018 |
Lythyans heve a humanoid bodyplan they have jet black skin which they had originally evolved from being exposed to extreme radiation. Their eyes are completely blank with no visible pupil. Its not exactly understood how their eyes work but some believe they are capable of seeing in the dark. Lythyans have a pair of horns on their heead, these horns help them with channeling their energy externally so thatthey can use powers.
There are organs inside
Lithians do not reproduce sexually, and instead they use a genetically modified plant to do the gestation of their offsprings for them. As a result, lithians no longer have reproductive systems. To make an offspring a sample of DNA is needed to make a new lithian which is then after some lab stuff they put the stuff in the plant where there a new lithian will be created.
Lithians need a very long time to mature due to their immense complexity but once they have fully matured they are practically immortal, but they can still be killed of course… When a lithyan has been gravely wounded, they can be put inside the plant used to create them to regenerate their bodies.
Being chronically exposed to large amounts of radiation can cause lithian to go through a process similar to aging, as seen in elderly organisms. Radiation overwhelms their ability to regenerate to the point where the effects are irreversible, the only way to reverse this is by being put inside the plant that is used in order to repair their bodies.
Lithyans are omnivores. Their food preference depends on what is available.
Subtype info
The original version of the Lythyan species before the corruption happend.
Lythyana is the main well know Lythyan type we all know of, they love learning new things all the time which is why they are very nosy while always asking questions about everything. When they arent busy learning new things activly they learn nrw things pessivley by meditating in order to stabelise and regulate their inner self.
Escapioids are ell what remains of the original lithian species who had been affeced by the cataclismic event. They where the few who where lucky enough to have most of their brain intact enough to function. The escapioids are those who refused to let their biology be modified by all of the tech as they do not want to be forced into the mold of what a "perfect" lythian is suposed to be. Because of thies they have banded togheter and fled their planet to form a group of misfits to embrace all biologu-ical imperfections even if they make you suffer because thats what its like to be an organic being. With their entire existance being antagonized by lithyans they have centerd their entire philosophy around dspiting lithyans as much as possible. Everythyng they do is always against everything what lythians stand for to remind them theat they will always be free and never like them. Of course this philosophy has also been detrimental to their reputation as while their freedom is admirable their spitefulness is something others dont appreciate too much.
Lithians have different types of abilities, their horn type determines their abilities, most lythians only have one ability because having multiple can cause problems.
Lithians use their horns to channel their energy and to manifest it into the physical world. Young lithians have a harder time to control their abilities due to the smaller size of horns. Broken horns can be very problematic to lithians as this can cause a major imbalance, so usually when their horns are damaged they avoid using their powers to prevent causing harm to themselves and others around them. Luckily they have great healing ability so they will grow back, but it will take a long time.
Lythyans can throw their bodies into a condition known as overdrive, which is similar to an adrenaline rush but is triggered by a different hormone than the one that causes fight or flight response. During overdrive, the Lythyan's bio abilities are pushed to their absolute maximum capability, which would make them utterly unstoppable if it weren't for the fact that entering into overdrive puts a lot of strain on the Lythyan's body. Using overdrive for an extended period of time or failing to rest sufficiently before resuming use might have serious consequences for their health and even their life.
One the biological obligations that Lythyans are obligated to follow is the need to meditate, its is as important as sleep for them. Lythyan's brains are very complex and the use of their bio abilities can have a toll on the Lythyan's body which is why they have to meditate to restore balance within their biomass. IF they do not do any sort of meditation ar sleep it can have a heavy burde,n on their bodies and the consequenses can be severe especially if thry use overdrive on their abilities. The side effects of no rest are: irritability, exaustion, low iomunity to desaeses, internal bleeding, seasures, and possibly death.
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Lythyans are allied with the Lepidian guardians and the Terra aliens
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Lythyans have 4 planets in their solar system which they inhabit, each of thee planets serve its own purpose for their civilisation.
Describe the world or environment where your aliens live. Is it a lush jungle, a barren desert, or an underwater realm?
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